During your exams and consultations, our dentist may use an intraoral camera to more closely examine your mouth. This camera makes it easy for us to identify developing problems and provide you with the care you need.

What is an Intraoral Camera?

An intraoral camera is a crucial tool in modern dental practices. This small, pen-shaped device is equipped with advanced camera technology that allows Dr. Duane Marshall to view clear, precise images of your mouth. The images captured are displayed in real-time on a monitor, providing both our dentist and you with a detailed view of your oral health.

How Intraoral Cameras Work

The operation of an intraoral camera is straightforward yet effective. When you visit our dentist and team, we will gently insert the camera into your mouth. The camera, which is only a few millimeters wide, features a built-in light source that illuminates the inspection area. As we maneuver the camera around your mouth, it captures high-resolution video or still photos. These images are then instantly transmitted to a computer screen, allowing for immediate assessment. The camera’s design not only makes it easy for our dentist and team to use but also ensures comfort for you during the procedure. 

Benefits of Intraoral Cameras

Intraoral cameras offer numerous benefits that enhance the dental care experience. One of the primary advantages is improved diagnostic accuracy. With the high-definition images provided by the camera, dentists can detect early signs of problems such as cracked teeth, plaque buildup, gum disease and hidden cavities more effectively than with traditional examination techniques.

These cameras also foster a better understanding and communication between you and Dr. Marshall. By seeing what our dentist and team see, you can better understand the state of your oral health and the rationale behind recommended treatments. This visual evidence can make discussions about treatment options more informative and collaborative.

Moreover, intraoral cameras are invaluable in maintaining accurate records. Archived images can be reviewed over time to track the progress of your dental health or to plan future treatments. For insurance purposes, the documented evidence from these cameras can simplify the process of claims, providing clear, indisputable proof of conditions and treatments.

Schedule Your Appointment

Contact Mountain View Dentistry today at 505-867-1442 to schedule your appointment with our skilled dentist and learn more about how intraoral cameras in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, benefit you. We look forward to helping you care for your smile!