Dr. Duane Marshall offers night guards to help protect your smile while you sleep. With a night guard, you can rest easy knowing that your smile is defended against damage.

What is Bruxism?

Bruxism, commonly known as teeth grinding and clenching, is a condition that affects many people without their awareness, primarily during sleep. This involuntary habit can lead to a variety of oral health issues and discomfort. Symptoms often include:

  • Chronic jaw pain, facial pain and even ear pain.
  • Feeling as if your jaw is tight or fatigued.
  • Frequent tension headaches or migraines.
  • Excessive tooth wear, resulting in chipped, flattened or cracked teeth and severely worn enamel.
  • Increased tooth sensitivity due to exposed inner layers of the tooth.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please consult with our dentist so you can receive the care you need.

What Are Night Guards?

Night guards are specialized mouth guards designed to combat the effects of bruxism. Tailored to fit comfortably in your mouth, night guards serve as a protective barrier between your upper and lower teeth when you clench or grind them during sleep. By wearing a night guard, you can significantly mitigate the direct impact on your teeth, helping to prevent the wear and damage that can lead to more severe dental issues in the future. Custom-made night guards are crafted based on a mold of your own teeth, ensuring a comfortable and effective fit that will not disrupt your sleep.

Benefits of Night Guards

Investing in a night guard can have a profound impact on both your dental health and overall quality of life. Benefits of night guards include

  • The protection of your teeth from damage such as cracks, chips and excessive wear. This can save you from costly dental repairs down the line.
  • Reduced the strain on your jaw muscles, leading to decreased pain and discomfort in the jaw, face and ears. This reduction in muscle tension can also alleviate associated headaches and migraines, allowing for a more restful and restorative sleep.
  • Preventing the wearing away of your tooth enamel, which also prevents increased tooth sensitivity and makes your daily life more comfortable.

Schedule A Consultation

If you suspect you might benefit from a night guard, or if you are noticing any signs of bruxism, please reach out to Mountain View Dentistry at 505-867-1442 and schedule a consultation with our experienced dentist. Dr. Marshall can assess your specific needs and ensure that your night guard is perfectly suited to provide you with the best possible protection and comfort.