Our experienced dentist may recommend crown lengthening to help you achieve a more beautiful, balanced smile. This treatment works to correct gummy smiles and uneven gum lines so you can enjoy a healthier and more attractive smile.

What is Crown Lengthening?

Crown lengthening is a precise dental procedure designed to reshape the gum tissue and sometimes the underlying bone around a tooth. This technique is essential when there is a need to expose more of the tooth’s structure. Often, it involves the removal of a minimal amount of gum tissue to achieve the desired outcome, making it a targeted and efficient treatment. This procedure is typically completed in one visit to Mountain View Dentistry, making it both convenient and effective for various dental needs.


When Crown Lengthening is Recommended

Dr. Duane Marshall may recommend crown lengthening in several different situations. This treatment is often recommended if you have a “gummy smile,” where the gums cover much of the tooth, making your teeth appear shorter than they actually are. This condition can make some people feel self-conscious about their smiles. By adjusting the gum line, crown lengthening can reveal more of your teeth, enhancing the balance and proportions of your smile.

Additionally, crown lengthening is often necessary when a tooth needs a restoration, such as a crown or bridge, but there is not enough tooth exposed above the gum line to support it. This could be due to a tooth being broken near the gum line or severe decay. By exposing more of the tooth, crown lengthening ensures that restorative work has a solid foundation, improving the durability and functionality of the restoration.

Benefits of Crown Lengthening

The benefits of crown lengthening are both functional and aesthetic. Aesthetically, it can transform a smile that feels overwhelmingly gummy into one that is more balanced and appealing. This can boost your confidence and encourage you to show off your smile more often.

From a functional perspective, crown lengthening plays a crucial role in dental restoration. By exposing more of a tooth’s structure, it provides the necessary support for new dental work, ensuring that restorations are stable and long-lasting. This is vital for maintaining overall dental health, as well-fitted crowns and bridges help prevent further decay and damage. Crown lengthening can also improve gum health by making it easier to clean the teeth at and below the gum line, reducing the risk of periodontal disease.

Make An Appointment

We invite you to call us at 505-867-1442 today to schedule a consultation with our dentist and find out more about how crown lengthening in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, can improve your smile and oral health.