Scaling and root planing is one of the first treatments our dentist may recommend after you are diagnosed with gum disease. This procedure works to manage and prevent the progression of gum disease, and is often highly effective in restoring oral health for patients experiencing the early stages of the disease.

What is Scaling and Root Planing?

Scaling and root planing, often referred to as a deep cleaning, is a two-part procedure tailored to remove plaque and tartar buildup from below the gumline. During the scaling portion, our skilled dentist and team meticulously clear away these harmful substances from the tooth surfaces. This includes the area along and just beneath the gumline, where bacteria thrive and cause inflammation.

Following scaling, root planing is performed. This process involves smoothing out the roots of your teeth, helping to reattach the gums to the tooth surface. By creating a clean and smooth area, we significantly reduce the risk of bacteria accumulating again, thus fostering a healthier environment for your gums.

The Scaling and Root Planing Procedure

Our goal is to ensure your comfort throughout this essential treatment. Although many patients find the procedure tolerable without anesthesia, we offer various anesthetic and comfort options to suit your needs. Typically, the scaling and root planing treatment is divided into multiple sessions, with each focusing on a different quadrant of the mouth. This approach allows for detailed attention to each area, ensuring the best outcomes while managing any discomfort.

Benefits of Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling and root planing offer numerous benefits, particularly in the prevention and management of periodontal disease. By removing plaque and tartar, this procedure directly combats the sources of gum inflammation and disease. Effective scaling and root planing stabilize the condition of your gums, reduce pocket depths and help in the reattachment of gum tissues to the tooth roots.

In addition to these benefits, scaling and root planing may also be combined with other treatments, such as localized antibiotic therapy, to enhance healing and prevent future infection. For most of our patients, scaling and root planing is sufficient to halt the progression of gum disease, especially when followed up with regular dental visits and proper home care.

Make An Appointment

If you have questions about scaling and root planing in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, or want to set up an appointment with Dr. Duane Marshall, please reach out to Mountain View Dentistry at 505-867-1442. Our team is here to provide you with the information and care needed to maintain a healthy smile.